Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Save the Bible
In The Book of Eli, Eli lives in a world where books no longer exist. Eli has the last Bible in existence. Carnegie tries to steal the Bible from Eli because the Bible is extremely powerful and he feels that he can control society with it. Eli dedicated his life to save the Bible. If I was told to save one book, I would choose to save the Bible as well. The Bible is the most important book out there. A lot of people base their life on the Bible. Eli saved the Bible to help the future generation while Carnegie wanted the Bible for selfish reasons. The Bible is the oldest book and is known worldwide. Religion is important to me and many others in the world. Although the Bible is the book that Christians follow, many other religions follow different sections of the Bible. Judism practices a lot of the Old Testament. They believe in God but not Jesus. The New Testament is all about Jesus. Without the Bible religion would die off and people would not understand the importance of God.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The revision process takes a lot of time and effort when writing a paper. The process of revising a paper is important and should not be skipped. Many people think that by spending a few hours on a paper makes the paper good without revising. This is not true at all. Everyone makes mistakes and every paper has mistakes. My first draft of the ad analysis was terrible. The hardest part for me is thI made many corrections of my own before having other people revise my paper. Analyzing a text is the hardest type of writing for me. This could be because I am not as familiar with it. This year was the first time I had to write one. It has taken me multiple times looking over my analysis to make it half way presentable. After I revised my paper I thought that maybe my paper was good enough to turn in. I thought wrong, I had three other students revise my paper and it seemed like every sentence had at least one mistake. My typed paper had handwritten corrections all over. I now realize that it takes three to four drafts before a paper is even close to being a final. I also learned that I need to work on my transitions. Although the revision process takes time, in the long run you will end up with an improved paper. No matter how many times I revise my papers, there is always room for improvement.
As a child trick or treating was the highlight of the fall season. Everyone would go around saying,"trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat." Halloween is a time where children of all ages dress up and go through neighborhoods collecting candy from their neighbors. I love the fall season and halloween. In eighth grade I had my tennis team over for an end of the season/ halloween party. Halloween wasn't for another two weeks. I told everyone to dress in a costume and we went on a scavenger hunt. The objective was to split up in two teams and walk house to house asking for items on a list, the first team done were the winners. My team went up to a house two streets down from mine and rang the doorbell. We could hear a lady panic as she approached the door with bananas. "I had no idea today was trick-or-treat," said the neighbor. She must have made her parrot panic too because there was bird poop all over her shirt. That night was one of my favorite memories of halloween. When I was little I remember the "Thriller" video being played every halloween. I would freak out every time Michael Jackson turned into a werewolf or a zombie. I also remember going trick-or-treating with my crazy family. We would always fill our pillow cases full of candy and eat all of the candy in less than a week. Every dentist's nightmare! I look forward to halloween every year.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Change WSU
I love Wright State University but I don't like that there isn't a football team. By adding a football team Wright State would bring in more people. When students walk around Wright State with clothing supporting other colleges the staff gets offended. People would wear more Wright State clothing if Wright State actually had a football team. Growing up, I would go to The University of Toledo football games with my family. I remember going to my uncle's house before the homecoming games for a tailgate. Toledo football games always brought my family together. Last week, a few of my friends gathered together to watch the OSU game on television. We sat in front of the television cheering for OSU as they lost against Wisconsin. We were all wishing that it was Wright State we were cheering for. Starting a football team is extremely expensive but in the long run I do believe it pays off. Football is the number one sport in America. A lot of people haven't heard of Wright State but more people would know about it if there was a football team. Other than not having a football team, I think that Wright State is an amazing school. I am pleased with the fact that Wright State University does have a basketball team. I plan on supporting Wright State by going to as many athletic events as possible. Let's go green and gold!!!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is one of the few famous painters of the post impressionist time period in Paris France. Like Edgar Degas, Lautrec was known for painting dancers. He was also known for his Japanese style of art and his art was parallel to the art work of Manet.
One of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's famous oil paintings is At the Moulin Rouge. This painting targets those who are interested in dancing and the Moulin Rouge. Almost all of Lautrec's pieces are dark. One can interpret that Lautrec had suffered from depression. The purpose of the painting is to entertain and inform people what happens at the Moulin Rouge. The painting is on an oil canvas. His stance on the Moulin Rouge is that it is the place to be. There are a lot of people in the painting and they are all talking to each other and seem to be having an enjoyable time. Lautrec created the painting between the years 1892 and 1895.
I selected this piece because I enjoyed the detail. At first glance the lady in the right corner stood out to me. The use of the greenish blue shadow created the effect. Also the use of black and other dark colors helped to create this picture to pop. My favorite part of the piece is the mirror image on the left of the painting. The mirror helps divide the painting into different sections.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec only lived to age 36. He might not have lived long but his artwork will live on forever!

I selected this piece because I enjoyed the detail. At first glance the lady in the right corner stood out to me. The use of the greenish blue shadow created the effect. Also the use of black and other dark colors helped to create this picture to pop. My favorite part of the piece is the mirror image on the left of the painting. The mirror helps divide the painting into different sections.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec only lived to age 36. He might not have lived long but his artwork will live on forever!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Why Unplug?
Unplugging televisions across America would not create children to grow up healthier, better educated, and more independent. Television could be a distraction but it can also be resourceful. For example, people watch television to keep up on the recent news and weather. The television could also be used for educational purposes. Everyone learns differently. I am more of a visual learner and I feel like watching a movie over a particular lesson helps me grasp a better understanding of the subject. When I was in fourth grade my teacher would show Bill Nye videos. In the introduction Bill Nye would always say, "Inertia is a property of matter." I will never forget that quote. I'm not sure how television would effect one's independence. I think that technology could create problems if we overuse it or take advantage of it. Computers would probably create more problems than televisions. People spend hours on different websites like facebook. I do believe that children along with adults should spend less time on the couch and more time exercising and interacting with people. If a parent is concerned with how television effects their child then instead of unplugging then the parent could consider limiting how much time their child spends on the couch watching television. The television is an excellent source of entertainment and children should be able to watch it. It would take more than just unplugging a television for a child to grow up healthier, better educated, and become more independent.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Power of Advertising
In class this past week, we were assigned to analyze three advertisements of our choice. This assignment help me to understand why advertisers choose to add certain aspects to their ads. It is important to realize that everything in an ad was placed in the ad for a reason or purpose. Every detail is important from color and shadows to objects and people. Advertising persuades individuals to buy a certain product. Advertising is found everywhere in billboards, in magazines, on television, and on the radio. One might not realize how powerful and effective ads are. Many ads in todays society deal with sexism. The ads portray women as objects. The women have thin body features and have barely any clothing on. Advertisements not only persuade people to buy their products but it also makes people want to have the same body type as the models in the ads. Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves so that they loose weight and look thin. It is important to realize that the advertising agencies use computers to make the models look perfect by using applications such as photoshop. No one is perfect. Advertisements should use everyday people to sell their products because the everyday people are the ones purchasing the products.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Why WSU?
My senior year hit me hard, I wasn't really prepared for college. I didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to major in. I applied to Wright State University (WSU) because it seemed convenient due to being close to home. Growing up, I always told myself that I would never go to Wright State. I wanted to move away and start a life far away from home. But as I got older the relationships grew stronger in my family and I wanted to stay close to home. I also thought WSU would be a good choice because it is difficult for me to meet new people. Most of the students from my high school further their education at Wright State. My brother, a sophomore at Wright State University, enjoyed his freshman year and convinced me that WSU was a good school. I also chose WSU because I enjoy playing tennis. I talked to the coach and he said I could participate on the team. I was extremely happy to hear that I would be able to play division one tennis. I am really glad I decided to go to WSU, I love everything about it. My favorite part is being a part of the tennis team. I get along with all of the players and they have become my really close friends. So far, I am very pleased with Wright State and I am looking forward to my four years here.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"What a Wonderful World"
During my last elementary school music concert, my fifth grade class sang a song that has left an impact on my life. The song we performed was What a Wonderful World sang by Louis Armstrong. As we sang the song I looked out in the audience and saw the faces of crying parents. At that point it hit me that that was my last performance in elementary school and that the next year I would be entering a whole new school, I was growing up. Junior High was a big jump for me, it was a big change. I made all new friends and learned how to be more independent. I barely talk to my friends from fifth grade but I will always remember the song What a Wonderful World. Although the song is 43 years old, I believe that it targets people of all ages. The genre of the song could be classified as jazz. I believe that the song has many purposes. The song is cheery, entertaining, and influential. What a Wonderful World has been played in multiple movies including: Madeline, Freaky Friday, What a Girl Wants, and Son of the Mask. It can be heard on television, on the radio, and even on the internet. The stance of the song is about how the world is wonderful and how every little thing is beautiful." This song is very inspiring when I'm upset, it brings me up when I'm down. And I think to myself...What a wonderful world."
Sunday, September 12, 2010
No "I" in Team
I am a freshman and participate on the WSU tennis team. On the first day of practice everyone seemed to form into cliques making it difficult to meet one another. This past Saturday, the WSU Women's Raider Tennis team participated in a challenge course for team building. We woke up early to make it to the challenge course by 9am. None of us seemed thrilled with the whole waking up early and playing in nature for the five hours idea. We got to the challenge course and everyone was still hanging around who they knew. For our first assignment, we were told to write our goals for the day and the season. We all shared common goals. Our goal for the day was to build friendships, while our goal for the season was to have a successful winning record. The day was filled with different activities and challenges that were impossible to accomplish as individuals, forcing us to work together as a team. The challenge course instructor left us with a famous quote by Plato. The quote stated, "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." We learned a lot from each other that day and by the end of the day the cliques divided. We ate dinner at our coach's house as a team. It felt as if we were having a family dinner. In the beginning of the day we were just individuals but by the end of the day we were a team.
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